this is me

My photo
San Clemente, Cali, United States
Camera always in hand


Bandit's Memorial

I received another email the other day.  This one telling me that Bandit had left a unique Memorial piece in Laguna Beach. Not a wheatpaste exactly, more of an installation. It is a graceful and heartfelt tribute to Max Caputo, a 17 year old resident of Laguna Beach, who was killed in a hit-and-run accident exactly 5 years to the date these pictures were shot. They never found the driver. 

As I was standing there, I noticed a dark-haired woman a ways up the street. She was shooting pictures of me shooting pictures of Bandit's memorial to Max. Eventually she approached me, introduced herself as Marilyn and asked me why I was there and how I knew Max. 

"I didn't know him," I replied, "But there is a reason I was sent here to photograph this work." 

As our conversation progressed she told me that on the night he died, Max's friends created, and have ever since maintained,  this memorial site. They have brought flowers, skim boards, boogie boards, decorations on the holidays and celebrated his birthdays and the anniversaries of his death. Marilyn went on to tell me she had a photo essay of the site published in the OC Register. 

She began to tell me the story of her connection to Max saying, "I never actually knew him but..." 

And then her bus arrived. 

As she ran to catch it she called back, "Don't worry, I'll find you and tell you the rest of the story! I want to see your pictures!"

Here I am, Marilyn. Here are the pictures. Tag, you're it.

Rest in Peace, Max. 

UPDATE 9/4/11: I'm perusing the web for something entirely unrelated and come across this:  Marilynn's pictures on Laguna Patch

3EK by Izer

So, I get the following email via Flickr:

"Hey JulieFaith, just thought you might wanna check out *(not exposing local spot)* again soon =). Some friends left you a nice surprise, towards the middle of the back, lol too hard to explain where exactly! but if you can, i suggest you do! be careful though, its mosquito session !"

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

Fan-freakin-tastic, Boys!


3EK Izer War Foor Lisp Besr Benas

Stay Up!



spade by JulieFaith

spade, a photo by JulieFaith on Flickr.
Another flick picked up for a lovely little blog called The Atypical Life. So glad my little picture worked for you. Thanks for choosing me and best of luck.



Bad Planning On Your Part Is Your F'in Problem

Battle Anoy 663 OES REM


 Artists Unknown (but prolific)

MssN (w/ Dead and other tags) 
 really look close, check out the detail.

RCS SWC Jear(?)  - Postal Slap

Skull (Bandit?) and Tooth/Jewel


I've been in New York for a week at The Flammable Heart Exhibition.  So much fun!  I have lots to tell you and, even better, a shit ton of pix to show you.  Would you believe I uploaded over 440 pix into my little MacBook Pro?  Anyway, it will take me a little time to edit so in the meantime am offering y'all an appetizer.  These stickers were all found in my backyard.  Awesome stuff.  Keep it up, boys (and girls).  Ya know I'm right behind ya flickin it all up.


JulieFaith is my Flickr name - Duroh Gcf Mdk

So, I'm in NY for The Flammable Heart Exhibition. But you know me, I had to go look at my fave local spot before I left town. I spent 2 hrs climbing around down there cuz I finally figured out how to get to the other side of the freakin' creek. Anyway, I'll post the rest of the pix shortly, including what I'm shooting in NY. that my name up there in the right hand corner? 



Or am I nuts?

Please tag any artists I've missed. I'd love to give credit where it's due.

Duroh Gcf Mdk.  Foad, Redek, Beer, Hurt, Bias Free Chech, Eyor

UPDATE 8.9.11: I got a new comment on Flickr this morning from kung fu panda bear: "i was there he did throw u up :p"  !!!!!