this is me

My photo
San Clemente, Cali, United States
Camera always in hand


LOVE - Who needs the Beatles?

I have the best bff ever. And I do mean EVER.  The girl has held my hand for lots of 'firsts' over the last 26 years but this may have been the biggest yet. See, until this weekend I -- wait for it -- was a Vegas Virgin. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking...42 (almost 43) years old and never been to Vegas?  Yeah, well...SHUT UP!  I'm sure there are things you've still never done, too. The difference is, thanks to Janene and her fam, I did it up right. We hopped on a late evening flight right after work on Thursday and didn't stop till we touched back in the LBC at the butt crack of dawn this morning AND we went straight into work. That is how the professionals roll, y'all. We covered everything I'd always imagined I'd do on my first trip to Vegas plus a few things I didn't even know I should have been imagining. The pix are coming, I promise. In the meantime, since it's the only way I know, I thought a little slide show might convey my gratitude for the best Vegas 'de-flowering' in recorded history.  There ain't no love like family.

note: hit the pause button on the playlist (above right) before starting the video.

xox,  J~


Crewest Gallery

StumbledOn this bad ass little gallery in the last few minutes of my adventure in LA with Katy.  So glad we did.  I took a few pix but nothing compares to the real thing.  Check out the sites below (I pinched the links from the Flickr page).

Learn more about the gallery...
Crewest News Blog

Learn more about the gallery director...
Man One World!

Learn more about the artist...
Man One

On Flickr...


Saturday in LA - Chapter two or "I posted so many pictures on Flickr it looks like my cam threw up"

(Check out the QR code)

Bankrupt Slut

Contra Control

The $tatus Faction

Free Humanity



Sek One

All pix in this 'chapter' were taken in LA's art District.  Can you marry an art district?  Cuz I love it so much I wanna.  Click through to my Flickr stream via the widget in the side bar for many more pix in this set.  Believe it or not there's STILL MORE to come from my adventure with Katy...


Saturday in LA - Chapter one

Meringue Hat


Green Girl

And some more JR cuz he's so freakin' cool!

A JR collaboration
Obama or Leonard Nimoy?

THIS is how they do it.  Wish I'd been there to see it.  Thx How!

The collab is signed "JR - VHILS"

Wes' Side

JR - Wrinkles of the City

The corner of 4th and JR

JR - Wrinkles of the City

I took so many pix that I had to stop and buy another memory card on the street.  This is but the first installment, more to come...


QR Codes: There's an app for that!


New fave toys: QR Code Generator and ScanLife
Thanks Suz!!

UPDATE: Ok, ok explanation... an interesting idea for marketing…  In fact, I’m so excited I could pee!  There is a not-so-new but new-to-me form of advertising called QR codes. Y’all may have seen these pretty lil square boxes on advertising, business cards, mag ads, even the TV. Basically you plop them down in various high-visibility places and people use a free scanning app on their camera phones to scan them. They are then taken immediately to a video, website, phone number, whatever you want them to see. QRcodes are scannable onscreen as well as in print and can be used via html or .php or drag/drop. You could have an individualized QRcode for each of your blog posts, art works, photographs, etc. The one you are seeing above sends people to my Flickr site. I’m in the process of printing business cards with the little buggar that do the same. This idea has been in Japan since the mid 2000's and is is really picking up steam here in good ol' U S of A but even if a body has no idea what they are looking at it definitely piques interest. As I said, the app is free, the QR code is generated for free and, now that I'm aware of them, I’ve seen them everywhere from car ads to Macy’s to a local real estate dude’s bidness card. I love the idea. What do you think?


iPhoned it in

949 + 5

Love this one for so many reasons. Spotted on a trash can that smelled like poo on the path to Trestles. Yup, I squatted down right there next to it to snap the pic on my phone. See what I do for you people?!?  Lots of info in this sticker: DBE (or OBE) in the R. bottom corner, BEY (or REY) on the cufflink which I imagine is formal initials, the number 74 on the patch.... Fill me in if you know what it all means. Learn me up, please.



I was re-posted!! Well, JR was. My pictures of his work in LA were picked up on Flickr and re-posted on INSPIRE COLLECTIVE ! They gave me credit and even made a little slide show of my pix. I am so high right now!  YAY ME!!  <----big dork!

ReUse and Resist! 
Inspiration Art Festival
Inspire Collective Events