this is me

My photo
San Clemente, Cali, United States
Camera always in hand


"Banksyesque Prank"

Banksyesque Prank - Right Window

Banksyesque Prank - Left Window

Banksyesque - Rat

Banksyesque - Yellow Tape Flower

Banksyesque - Painter

Banksyesque - Brush

Banksyesque - Brush

Can y'all tell me about this?  Is it a Banksyesque Prank?  Banksy pranking? Banksy Prank, yes que?  Could it possibly be the real deal???  Whatever it is, it's super fun.  

UPDATE:  According to Melrose&Fairfax, this is a Fakesy, possibly even an advertisement for the store. Still, I think it's cool and it was fun spotting it.


Mama gots a new cam!


Weeds - Sepia



Just the little Nikon Coolpix S6100 but, oh baby, it is so SHARP! Loving! Playing with it. Did I say LOVING??  I took her out on my usual hike in the back 40 and am so impressed by the quality of this little point-and-shoot.  Now I wanna upgrade all my gear.  


I just really love people (and thing) watching - Doheny Blues Festival, Day 2

She got a love for the Blues in her eyes



Kids Stage


I just really love people watching - Doheny Blues Festival, Day 1

I want to be her when I grow up

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

Yeah, really. 
There are just so many possibilities for captions here.  Have at it.


Bits & Pieces, Here & There


Cryptik on the bar @ Street Brewed

Door Detail @ The Fall on Spring Street

Entry Detail @ The Eastern Building

The Eastern
Which, by the way, I thought said "Faster N" when I looked straight up from street level. No seriously, I did.  WTF is a Faster N anyway?  Is it quicker than O?  Slower than M?  Doh!  Typical J~ right there, folks.

Just really dig the architecture

Table for one

Skater Dude, Venice

Feeling a bit like a loser cuz I broke my promise to myself (still not a resolution for those that have been following my babble since January.)  I shot absolutely nothing this past week.  Insert big sad face here.  Going through withdrawals I tell you!  In my defense I have been creative in other areas of my life.  So There, Self!  Promise not totally broken, just stretched, warped and skewed a bit.  

Anywho, these pix just didn't seem to fit anywhere else amongst my musings for a variety of reasons but, at the same time, I just couldn't retire them completely.  Fortunately, I keep a folder of these little orphans for just such an occasion.  Hopefully I've redeemed myself.  And if not, there's always next week.  I'm taking suggestions...


Good Hunting





Yes, I do think this is beautiful 


Hold Up There Bandit

It's been a good week for street art in SC.  These Indians have been appearing all over downtown in various incarnations and colors.  This guy rocked up just as I was taking pix of The Bandit Indian. He introduced himself as the Graffiti Removal Dude of San Clemente. Seriously, he did! I asked if he knew the name of the artist and he said he didn't but said there had been a lot of large pieces in town lately. 

"Oh really?" said I, innocently, "Like what?"

"Ohhh..." said Graffiti Removal Dude, "You know, Indians, Octopuses, that sort of thing."

I laughed and said 'Yup! Well dude, you really got your work cut out for you tonight."

He asked if I knew of any others on the street and I said ya but if I told him I'd hafta kill him. He laughed and said he only removes that which has been reported anyway.  Once Dude started to explain his graf removal techniques I kinda glazed over and went back to snapping pix. This one is the best IMHO cuz his shadow kinda makes it look like The Bandit is peeing on him as he works! 

I love that people are calling, texting and facebooking me now when they see local street art.  This week I've been all over town from the main street to under the freeway.  I only posted a few treasures here on the blog but you can see lots more on my flickr.  ❤

UPDATE:  The On/Off pic has been used here: Counseling Resource, for an article titled "On Again, Off Again Relationship — Fear of Intimacy?"  See my thoughts on it here.


Banksy and me are like this!

Banksy  by JulieFaith

  Banksy , a photo by JulieFaith on Flickr.
Just got a note on my Flickr account that a picture I shot of Banksy's "Parking Girl" in LA was picked up by Virgin's Atlantic's brand new social travel site vtravelled.  Ummmm...YAY!


MOCA - Art In The Streets

I went, I saw, I am SO going back!  Seriously.  I read all the hype, the controversy, the debates, the reviews, the blogs...I loved every single minute I was there.  And Cathy and I were there a LOT of minutes.  At least three hours, in fact, and I still feel like I missed so much.  MOCA - Art In The Streets



LA wall

Lee Quinones
(this was used as a cover for Juxtapoz magazine)

Mister Cartoon




(not actually at MOCA but around the corner.  I had to share it anyway)

These are my favorite favorite pieces being shown. They are not bad pictures but there is simply no way I could even begin to do justice to the talent these people possess. Not in pictures and definitely not in words. In particular, the Swoon piece. I read a lot about the "Ice Princess" and was super excited to experience it in person.  It is draped in a white tent and stands alone in it's own room tucked deep in the back of the Geffen.  She is made of white and black papers that have been cut like the snowflakes we made as a kid and applied to a wooden skeleton. Light shines out from within the structure through the lace and casts delicate, haunting shadows back onto the tent. OMG, this artist is so aptly named. I positively swooned when I saw it.  If you are interested, I posted a ton more AITS pix including some more detailed ones of the Swoon piece (as well as some pix of her work found on the street nearby the museum) over on my flickr photostream.  

This stuff literally makes my heart race.  It's so incredibly beautiful.