this is me

My photo
San Clemente, Cali, United States
Camera always in hand


been a long time gone

Brisa de Bandit


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Yeah.  So?  I been a bad bad girl.  I abandoned y'all.  It's been near a month since my last post and for that I am sorry.  I got excuses but I figure if you're still with me you probably don't much care and just wanna see some pix and hear what's on tap next.  Well, at least my dad does.

After photo camp with the little guys I (finally) took my boss up on her offer to hang some of my pix at work. There are now 6 pieces matted,  framed and for sale up in our office.  I think they look great and it's fun to see them lookin' all mine and pretty up on the walls every day.  It's the first time any of my work has been offered up for sale in this way.  Big, big step for me.

Are you asking yourself why all the Bandit pics?  Well, what can I say?  I love his style.  Plus, Bandit has recently done some "legal" work for my friend, Dawn, installing his art work up on the windows and in the bathrooms of her wine bar, The Cellar.  This has led to Dawn sponsoring a full-on Street Art show for Bandit and some friends - including yours truly - over Halloween weekend.  I'm not gonna spoil any surprises just yet but stay tuned for updates, invites and a big ass smile on my face.

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